Wednesday 17 December 2014

Tips For Your Pet’s First Aid Kit

Pet first aid kit, Pets first aid kit products, pet health, first aid for Dog, Cat First aid
As we prepare a first aid kit for our family, pet’s first aid kit is also essential for emergency. As humans, they can also face accidents and injuries any time, so as a pet owner we should be ready for the emergency treatment. The owner should have the first aid kit handy and should carry whenever they go with the pet.

Tips on How to Prepare the Pet’s First Aid kit:

  • For bandage material, keep a gauze roll, square gauze, first aid tape, non-stick pads and vet wraps.
  • For medications, keep a multipurpose drug. Consult with an expert pet vet regarding the medications. A drug called Vetericyn can be kept in the kit as a multipurpose drug that heals and treats the wounds and can also be used for nose, ears, eyes and kill virus, fungi and bacteria.
  • Cortisol cream should also be included in the kit that can be used for bug bites, eye wash solution to flush the dog’s eye and hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting if the canine ingests some toxic thing.
  • Always consult the pet vet before giving any medication.
  • One should always check for the expiration date of the medications and should replace if expired.
  • If any emergency occurs, assess the situation and approach your pet and apply suitable medications.
  • Have a list of important phone numbers for your pet’s first aid, in case of any emergency. It includes the numbers of pet vet, animal emergency clinic and animal poison control center.
  • Also keep the records of the pet’s vaccination. Photo of the pet and Id should also be kept in case of emergency.

First Aid Kit is important for pet as emergency can occur any time. So, the owner should be ready with the first aid box wherever he goes with the pet. Of course this is not an alternative to the vet care, but a substitute till the pet gets the proper vet treatment.

Flea medication Advantix Flea Treatment can also be included in the kit as the pet can be infested with fleas when outside the house. So as a precautionary measure, include this medication in the kit.

GenericFrontlinePlus is an online portal with medications to prevent and control flea and tick infestations. It also provides knowledge regarding the pet’s health, care and safety along with guidelines on how to prepare the pet’s first aid kit.

Thursday 28 August 2014

How to eradicate flea infection in puppies

Fleas are not welcome in any form. These pests are a nuisance to all kinds of animals. When it comes to the pets, they pose a risk to their owners as well. Fleas have an ability to reproduce very fast. In between two weekends, they can multiply to hundreds of tiny pests.

Flea removal tips, dog care from fleas, frontline for dogs, frontline for Cats, Dog and Cat care, generic frontline plus for Dogs

Puppies have low resistance power as they are still building up their internal and external systems. A flea infection in such case can be life threatening to that pet. As fleas consume their host’s blood, once the flea latch on to a pup, they can cause serious harms. As a puppy already has less amount of blood in his body, a bloodsucking flea can make it even more weak leading to anemia.

How to eradicate flea infection in puppies

  • Bathe the pup with lukewarm water. One could also add some mild soap to water. Wash the little dog from head to toe avoiding any contact with eyes.
  • Check the pup’s gums for their color. Anemic dogs will have pale white gums instead of red gums. It is one of the signs of flea allergy.
  • After the bath, dry the puppy. Make it stand on a towel and comb its fur. Any fleas that get caught in the comb will fall on the towel.
  • Wash the puppy’s bedding and the towel in hot water to kill any fleas that are still alive.
  • Clean the surroundings with a vacuum cleaner as not all fleas are found on the pet’s body.
  • Repeat the process if any fleas are still visible on and around the puppy.

Alternatively, one could also you Frontline for dogs which is a topical treatment to eradicate fleas.  It can be used on dogs which are more than 8 weeks old. It has a proven track record to terminate these pests with minimum side effects. In a normal pet with no pre-existing conditions, apart from minor irritation to skin and eyes, it works fine. The medication would depend on the age, size and breed of the pet.  Always consult a vet before using it directly on a young canine to check if the puppy has any allergies or medical conditions.

Frontline plus puppies normally recover from a flea infection in a matter of days itself. As it completely breaks the life-cycle of fleas, it indirectly will help the pup to grow into a healthy dog one day. It can be availed at the GenericFrontlinePlus website at very easy-on-pocket prices.